CamZoomer : Adds pan, tilt and zoom to your static camera
CamZoomer 2.7
Quick Description: (Read All)
Software adds pan, tilt and zoom to your static USB webcam

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File Ping Time (less is better): 203 ms  

Full Description:
I. Main features: 1) 8x Digital ZOOM 2) 45 Degrees PAN (depends on camera) 3) 45 Degrees TILT (depends on camera) 4) Control from your keyboard (keypad) (move left/right/up/down, zoom +/-) 5) Works with any webcam application 6) Allows to run few webcam applications with only one webcam hardware(CamSplitter integrated) 7) Pan-Tilt-Zoom settings indication in video frame 8) Simple setup 9) FREE Trial download II. How it works? USB based webcams usually supports dfferent resolutions for video and very often maximum is 640x480 (VGA). But that resolution is not using in most cases, we use only 320x200 or so for online video conferencing purposes, becuase 640x480 is too big for realtime video over the internet. That allows to do zoom and move camera! CamZoomer is a middleware application between webcam application and real webcam driver. It takes video from real webcam on the maximum allowed resolution and transfers it to webcam application with another dimenions. That allows to do 2x ZOOM without loosing of quality and then using digital zoom it makes zoom up to 8x and it still nice looking. That allows to emulate panning and tilting of camera. Try this out, just download FREE trial limited by small notification string reminding to register. III. Software and hardware requirements: 1) Pentium 400 with 64MB RAM or better 2) Webcam connected to computer 3) Windows NT/2000/XP/2003

Screenshot: (Source: - Ping: 202 ms - Size: 4 Kb (?)
CamZoomer - Adds pan, tilt and zoom to your static camera

Keywords: tilt, zoom, camera, pan-tilt-zoom, pan-tilt-cam, webcam, camsplitter, split, splitter, mult

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