Full Description:
Feature Name is the powerful program for creation and checking of availability of a domain name for your site. Choice of a name for the domain is very important procedure, as it's the first step in progress of your web site. Selecting the defined domain you can easily attract the desirable group of visitors. Using subject sets of words - prefixes the program will generate a plenty of domain names mirroring the specificity of your site. The process of creation is very simple - it's enough to enter keywords, to select the list of subject prefixes, to specify the required domain of a high level (com, net, org or others) and to give the command to generate. The possible combinations of the names will be created, including the names with keywords. Sets of words - prefixes available in the distribution kit are composed after durable collection and analysis of the data based on experience of Internet companies and are most successful. The program will check up the availability of the liked names very quickly. The multithread way of inquiries is used for checking. Each inquiry checks one domain. The quantity of simultaneous inquiries can be regulated. Availability of the domain is checked in the beginning and the main information on it is displayed. In the second pass there is a search of more detailed information about the domain. Main possibilities of the program:
a) Check more 1000 domain names one minute at 56Kbps internet connection;
b) Creation and saving of own lists of words - prefixes;
c) Uses multi-threaded queue of requests;
d) Possibility of operation through SOCKS the server;
e) Export of results of operation in HTML;
f) Listing results of operation on the printer;