Full Description:
What do you make with angina? What helps with asthma? The PC welfare practical man offers fast assistance without chemical club! The grasp to the chemical club, tablets or antibiotics is mostly inadequate when easy illnesses. Did you know e.g. that frequent application of antibiotics can lead to the resistance and in the worst case with a serious illness any longer does not help? Do not let it so far come and couriers you, where it goes, with proven and natural house means - as it our grandmothers to have done! All this offers the PC welfare practical man: - Subdivided information about the processing / preparation and the different administration forms of herbs (A) such as Abkochung to (l) lotion to (z) such as Zellulitis. - information about the 140 most common welfare plants detailed e.g. figure eight box stem, goose finger herb, Hirtentaeschelkraut, bulb etc. whereby the effect, which welfare displays are described exactly and the application possibilities of each welfare plant. Effective herb prescriptions for the handling of 150 volkskrankheiten e.g. Hemmohriden, acne, depressions, angina, headache, fever, flu, witch shot, ulcer, wounds, teeth etc..