Assessor for Teachers : Assess your students with style and save time
Assessor for Teachers 6.1
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Write assessment plans, mark assessment tasks, record marks and prepare reports

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Category: Education (Rank: 439 / 567): Teaching & Training Tools (Rank: 50 / 65)
Downloads: 254 This Week (Rank: 10,537 / 15,688) / 6858 Total (Rank: 6,451 / 15,688)
Developer: Marino Software
Software Home Page:
License Type: Shareware ($19.95)
Language: English
Most Recent File Validation (?): Mon, February 4th, 2008 2:24 AM CST
OS: Win95,Win98,Windows2000 - Install and Uninstall.
System Requirements: pentium75 or faster

Full Description:
Assess your students with style and save time. Assessor for teachers simplifies the processes of preparing assessment plans, marking assessment tasks, recording marks, analysing results and preparing reports PREPARE ASSESSMENT PLAN - Teachers use the program prepare an assessment plan, which can be typed and printed early in the course and amplified later. Assessment tasks are given weightings which are used to calculate weighted course marks. MARK TESTS-GIVE FEEDBACK - task marks are entered with short question comments clicked from a standard list and a comment on the complete task. The program adds the marks and prepares a results slip for each student which includes the assessment task, question comments and the test comment. The teacher prints the slip and attaches it to the work or emails the results to the student. The task comment carries through to the final report and the end of course comment can be prepared and edited as tasks are marked. RECORD MARKS-PROVIDE STATISTICS - a printed summary sheet for each task shows the mark for every student in every question, and the mean and standard deviation for the task and for each question. · Marks are automatically transferred to a grade book which shows a current weighted score out of 100 calculated on tasks so far completed by the class. · Marks can be shown as letter grades if desired PREPARE COURSE REPORTS - the computer prepares data files which are used in an end of course report including the assessment plan, all task comments and an end of course comment. This report is formatted ready for printing as a Microsoft Word merge letter. An interim report can be printed at any time for one student or for the whole class. · EASY TO LEARN - the help files include a tutorial, and fully functional files are included for a class of year 12 Economics which teaches can use as a learning tool.

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Assessor for Teachers - Assess your students with style and save time

Keywords: assess, mark, report, comment, mean, standard, deviation, learning, analyse, learn, grade, gradebook, book

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